No package
Classes summary
Magdb_ | This class will provide a layer for connecting with mysql |
MagratheaAdmin | Class for handling and loading Magrathea's Admin system More information on @link |
MagratheaCompressor | Compressor: Magrathea function that works with MagratheaView to generate compressed files for CSS and Javascript |
MagratheaConfig | This class will provide you the quickest access possible to the magrathea.conf config file. |
MagratheaConfigFile | Magrathea Config loads and saves information in config files. |
MagratheaController | This class will manage the controllers for displaying pages |
MagratheaDatabase | This class will provide a layer for connecting with mysql |
MagratheaDebugger | Magrathea Debugger can manage anything for debugging and error-searching through Magrathea Codes. It can trace errors, save log files, print queries and do a bunch of functions that would help the developer on error searching |
MagratheaEmail | MagratheaEmail: function that manages e-mail sends, building headers and sending e-mails |
MagratheaLogger | Magrathea class for logging anything The log will be created in logs folder in the root of the project (same dir level as app) By default, the message is written with a timestamp before it. - For Log function, the default file is saved with a timestamp in the name - For LogError function, by default, all the data is saved in a same file called log_error.txt |
MagratheaModel | |
MagratheaModelControl | |
MagratheaQuery | Creates queries making use of objects and tables |
MagratheaQueryDelete | Extension of Magrathea Query for creating Delete queries |
MagratheaQueryInsert | Extension of Magrathea Query for creating Insert queries |
MagratheaQueryUpdate | Extension of Magrathea Query for creating Update queries |
MagratheaRoute | Can define routes and gives main paths for controllers and actions |
MagratheaServer | |
MagratheaView | Some functions that will help you control the view layer of the project |
PhpClosure | PHP wrapper for the Google Closure JS Compiler web service. |
UploadHandler |
Interfaces summary
iMagratheaModel | |
MagratheaAdminException | |
MagratheaConfigException | |
MagratheaControllerException | |
MagratheaDBException | |
MagratheaException | |
MagratheaModelException | |
MagratheaViewException |
Functions summary
Debug | Debugs what is sent, according with debug configurations |
Info | Adds to info debug, according with configurations |
loadMagratheaEnv | Loads database configuration for the selected environment. If no environment is sent, it will use the information from the default environment |
magrathea_getTypesArr | Array of types available at Magrathea |
magrathea_printFields | gets an array and prints a select |
nice_p_r | Prints wonderfull debugs! |
now | Date of now - mySQL format |
p_r | Prints easily and beautifully |
shutdown | Function that will be executed after script is complete! in Magrathea, will print debug, if available... |